These will vary depending on what you’re searching for.
Enter “iPad” as your search term, and Apple will appear as one of the options.
Search for “Disneyland” and the categories change to things like “Amusement
Parks”, “Travel” and “Hotels”. Makes sense, and is presumably based on the
Blekko’s larger aggregated search database working behind the scenes to sort
things for you as you go along. These sections work similarly to the website’s
“slashtags”, automatic search-narrowing tools that you can type along with your
Tablets are increasingly getting integrated into our lives,
so they wracked their noggins to figure out how they could use their search
technology to optimally serve tablet users. Not surprisingly, their research
revealed that tablets take on a very different role in people lives than
laptops and desktops. Laptops are for work; tablets are for fun. Laptops are
task-oriented while tablets are more exploratory.
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