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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

It’s All About Push Notification

The Apple Push Notification Service is a service created by Apple Inc. that was launched together with iOS 3.0 on June 17, 2009. It uses push technology through a constantly open IP connection to forward notifications from the servers of third party applications to the Apple devices; such notifications may include badges, sounds or custom text alerts.

Push notifications are essential to your app. This feature benefits both the user and the businesses. On the consumers' part, they can readily access discounts and other promotional activities of their favorite items. It enable apps to read text messages without opening the message. For example if you enable a push notification for a business app, the app will be able to provide latest updates about the business such as discounts, promo codes, latest coupons and other promotional activities. The notification will send a text and if you open it, you will be directed to the business app for additional information.

Businesses need the notification apps because they are able to quickly reach their intended audience. They alert customers in real time. Promoting the business app so consumers will subscribe is quite easy. They can promote their business app through their website. If they offer promo codes, redeemable items, discounts, mobile coupons, freebies and rewards system for repeat customers, the app will quickly gain a large following. If a business has a huge database of mobile phone users utilize the business app, one text can be sent to thousands of prospective customers in an instant. Discounts send through notifications increase sales by up to 30 percent.

Cell phone business apps are becoming more popular. This is because mobile phone users are growing by the minute. There are 5 times more cell phone users than computer users worldwide. The sheer number of mobile phone subscribers, estimated at 4 billion people and rising, provide businesses an immense opportunity in marketing. The conversion rate of 30 percent of notification recipients should provide enough motivation to utilize push notifications.

These features are vital to business applications. According to mobile marketing statistics, notifications that are sent are read by the recipient 97 percent of the time. This is an overwhelming advantage compared to email notifications which are opened at a much lower rate of 4 percent of the time.

Both customers and businesses should take advantage of this great opportunity at their fingertips. With the ever-increasing number of mobile phone users all over the world, it will be safe to say that mobile business apps are the future in marketing. Small businesses can greatly benefit in this marketing strategy.

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