
Now, the inanimate object can be anything. So, there is
claymation, which is a popular type of stop-motion. There are animated
stop-motion films made with many many inanimate things. There is
sand-animation, button-animation, paper cut-out animation, pencil-animation,
etc. Now, the difference between capturing a video and stop-motion is that the
filmmaker can move the objects according to their will and convenience, as
opposed to live-action videos.
2D Animation
2D animation can be basically divided into two main
categories. One is cell animation, which is classical animation. This is the
way all old 2D movies were made, but due to the advent of computer technology
the other category of 2D animation which is computer generated has become very
popular. Cell animation is done by drawing frame-by-frame. This means on paper,
drawings are created and then these drawings are captured by a camera. An
animation clip is created using photos of these drawings.
The computer generated 2D animation is basically created by
drawing and painting sketches on the computer using a software, without any
actual paper sketches involved. One of the most popular animation software used
to create computer 2D animation is Adobe Flash. However, there is a third
category of 2D animation which synthesizes both the above types of 2D
animation. In this animation type half animation is computer drawn, while half
is done using a software. For example, pencil drawings scanned in computer and
then colored using a software.
3D Animation
Today 3D animation is dominating when it comes to
full-length feature films. 3D animation is basically created using a software
which allows to create models and animate them in a 3D environment, on three
axis X, Y, and Z, while for 2D animation there are only two axis. In 2D
animation you cannot look at a character in various angles by rotating it, but
in 3D animation this is possible.
3D animation is completely done using software. Maya and 3D
Max are two of the most popular 3D animation software. There is also Blender
which is easier to understand. Blender is simple software and easy to grasp,
while to comprehend Maya and Max you will need a lot of practice. There is also
another type of animation which is called motion capture. However, motion
capture is actually not a type of animation but a mix medium of live action and
3D animation. In this medium basically a motion is captured and then rendered
using a software, to give an effect of an animation clip.
So, enough reading! You can also try a short animation film
of your own? Keep experimenting with various objects or group of objects and
make small animation films.
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