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Friday, 26 August 2011

Steve or iPhone 5

Attention will soon shift to iPhone 5. Now iPhone 5 release date will announce very soon. It will be coming more speedily that had been expected. This is because Apple wants to shift attention to the releasing of iPhone 5 rather on Steve Jobs resignation. Apple has got two news recently one is great and other is like it should bury soon. So they want iPhone 5 news to flash more in order to overcome with Jobs resignation. They are supposed to accelerate iPhone event as soon as next week. This is just to be on news headlines not for Jobs but for launching of iPhone 5.

It was Jobs unfortunate day as said by him in his resignation letter. He wrote “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.” But it hardly matters to Apple, so they feels people come and go but show must go on and here the example in which they announced about the event in which they will release the date of 5th generation of iPhone just after 2 days of his resignation. They are trying to accelerate the event. Well this is the right approach of a market leader and so they are “Apple”


  1. nice article... iPhone5 releasing soon. Good news for all of us. I wish Tim Cook will take Apple to new heights just like Steve Jobs did and his resignation would not affect progress of Apple Inc.

  2. Thanx for sharing...

  3. I agree with u Smriti.Long live Apple! Thank you all for their comments!
